Under what heads the following Items on the Equity and Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet of a Company will be presented: (i) Proposed Dividend; (ii) Unclaimed Dividend.

SOLUTION S. No.ItemsHeadingSub-heading (If any)(i)Proposed DividendShown as Contingent Liability in the Notes to Accounts.--(ii)Unclaimed Dividend Current Liabilities‘Other Current Liabilities’

Continue ReadingUnder what heads the following Items on the Equity and Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet of a Company will be presented: (i) Proposed Dividend; (ii) Unclaimed Dividend.

Under what headings will you show the following items in the Balance Sheet of a Company; (i) Preliminary Expenses; (ii) Acceptances (B/P)

SOLUTION S. No.ItemsHeadingSub-Heading (If any)(i)Preliminary ExpensesNot shown in Balance Sheet as they arewritten off in the same year. (ii)Acceptance (B/P)Current LiabilitiesTrade payables

Continue ReadingUnder what headings will you show the following items in the Balance Sheet of a Company; (i) Preliminary Expenses; (ii) Acceptances (B/P)

Under what headings will you show the following items in the Balance Sheet of the Company: (i) Goodwill (ii) Loose Tools. (C.B.S. E. 2017, 2018)

SOLUTION S. No.ItemsHeadingSub-heading (if any)(i)GoodwillNon-Current AssetsFixed Assets-Intangible Assets(ii)Loose ToolsCurrent AssetsInventories

Continue ReadingUnder what headings will you show the following items in the Balance Sheet of the Company: (i) Goodwill (ii) Loose Tools. (C.B.S. E. 2017, 2018)